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    <title>Unit Converter</title>
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    <div class="converter-container">
        <h1>Unit Converter</h1>
        <label for="conversion">Choose a conversion type:</label>
        <select id="conversion">
            <!-- Distances -->
            <optgroup label="Distances">
                <option value="miles-to-km">Miles to Kilometers</option>
                <option value="km-to-miles">Kilometers to Miles</option>
                <option value="feet-to-meters">Feet to Meters</option>
                <option value="meters-to-feet">Meters to Feet</option>
                <option value="inches-to-cm">Inches to Centimeters</option>
                <option value="cm-to-inches">Centimeters to Inches</option>
                <option value="nautical-miles-to-km">Nautical Miles to Kilometers</option>
                <option value="km-to-nautical-miles">Kilometers to Nautical Miles</option>

            <!-- Weights -->
            <optgroup label="Weights">
                <option value="pounds-to-kg">Pounds to Kilograms</option>
                <option value="kg-to-pounds">Kilograms to Pounds</option>
                <option value="lbs-force-to-newtons">Pounds-force to Newtons</option>
                <option value="newtons-to-lbs-force">Newtons to Pounds-force</option>

            <!-- Volumes -->
            <optgroup label="Volumes">
                <option value="gallons-to-liters">Gallons to Liters</option>
                <option value="liters-to-gallons">Liters to Gallons</option>

            <!-- Speeds -->
            <optgroup label="Speeds">
                <option value="knots-to-kmh">Knots to Kilometers per Hour</option>
                <option value="kmh-to-knots">Kilometers per Hour to Knots</option>

            <!-- Temperatures -->
            <optgroup label="Temperatures">
                <option value="fahrenheit-to-celsius">Fahrenheit to Celsius</option>
                <option value="celsius-to-fahrenheit">Celsius to Fahrenheit</option>

            <!-- Pressures -->
            <optgroup label="Pressures">
                <option value="psi-to-pascals">PSI to Pascals</option>
                <option value="pascals-to-psi">Pascals to PSI</option>
        <input type="number" id="inputValue" placeholder="Enter value to convert" />
        <button onclick="convert()">Convert</button>
        <div id="result" class="result"></div>

        function convert() {
            let conversionType = document.getElementById('conversion').value;
            let inputValue = parseFloat(document.getElementById('inputValue').value);
            let resultText = '';

            switch (conversionType) {
                // Distances
                case 'miles-to-km':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} miles is equal to ${(inputValue * 1.60934).toFixed(2)} kilometers.`;
                case 'km-to-miles':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} kilometers is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.621371).toFixed(2)} miles.`;
                case 'feet-to-meters':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} feet is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.3048).toFixed(2)} meters.`;
                case 'meters-to-feet':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} meters is equal to ${(inputValue * 3.28084).toFixed(2)} feet.`;
                case 'inches-to-cm':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} inches is equal to ${(inputValue * 2.54).toFixed(2)} centimeters.`;
                case 'cm-to-inches':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} centimeters is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.393701).toFixed(2)} inches.`;
                case 'nautical-miles-to-km':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} nautical miles is equal to ${(inputValue * 1.852).toFixed(2)} kilometers.`;
                case 'km-to-nautical-miles':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} kilometers is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.539957).toFixed(2)} nautical miles.`;

                // Weights
                case 'pounds-to-kg':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} pounds is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.453592).toFixed(2)} kilograms.`;
                case 'kg-to-pounds':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} kilograms is equal to ${(inputValue * 2.20462).toFixed(2)} pounds.`;
                case 'lbs-force-to-newtons':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} pounds-force is equal to ${(inputValue * 4.44822).toFixed(2)} newtons.`;
                case 'newtons-to-lbs-force':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} newtons is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.224809).toFixed(2)} pounds-force.`;

                // Volumes
                case 'gallons-to-liters':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} gallons is equal to ${(inputValue * 3.78541).toFixed(2)} liters.`;
                case 'liters-to-gallons':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} liters is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.264172).toFixed(2)} gallons.`;

                // Speeds
                case 'knots-to-kmh':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} knots is equal to ${(inputValue * 1.852).toFixed(2)} kilometers per hour.`;
                case 'kmh-to-knots':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} kilometers per hour is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.539957).toFixed(2)} knots.`;

                // Temperatures
                case 'fahrenheit-to-celsius':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} °F is equal to ${((inputValue - 32) * 5 / 9).toFixed(2)} °C.`;
                case 'celsius-to-fahrenheit':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} °C is equal to ${((inputValue * 9 / 5) + 32).toFixed(2)} °F.`;

                // Pressures
                case 'psi-to-pascals':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} PSI is equal to ${(inputValue * 6894.76).toFixed(2)} Pascals.`;
                case 'pascals-to-psi':
                    resultText = `${inputValue} Pascals is equal to ${(inputValue * 0.000145038).toFixed(6)} PSI.`;

                    resultText = 'Please select a valid conversion type.';

            document.getElementById('result').innerText = resultText;